Tree of Madness

by LameOANDSuperDork   May 31, 2009

I always pretended to be a gentle spirit.
Yet too stubborn to realize I exceeded my limit.

I planted the seed and watched it grow,
And then my hate soon overflowed.

Something sinister was growing inside me,
implanted there by Destiny.

I became a monster killing them all
Burned by those who opposed me, now I will fall.

My heartless tyranny was always a seed of sadness,
but soon blossomed into a Tree of Madness.

- Lame-O


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  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love the whole concept in this piece, it was very dark and captivating. Excellent emotions and depth, this was a fantastic write! The suspense and how you entranced the reader really made this an enjoyable yet a bit scary poem. Keep up the excellent work, and good luck with writing, you are on a great start! Take care and God Bless You!

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I always pretended to be a gentle spirit.
    Yet to stubborn to realize I exceeded my limit.

    *I like how you started this. I like thw two line style,Very simple.

    It planted the seed and watched it grow,
    And my hate soon overflowed.

    *Shouldn't It be I? I like how you chnage emotions here, I want to know why you hated the tree. Nice*

    Something sinister was growing inside me,
    implanted there by Destiny.

    *Love the diction here*

    It made me a monster.
    Killing all who opposed me.
    Burned it all and watched it fall.

    *This stanza has alot of emotions, but it ruins the flow of things, I'd work on trying to make it two lines like the rest*

    My heartless tyranny was always a seed of sadness,
    but soon blossomed into a Tree of Madness.

    *Wow, what a powerful ending. Very nice work. Keep it up. Nik*

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