The Love Song of Layla M.M. Skramstad

by Weeping Wolf   Jun 5, 2009

I am yet a mystery to the world!
But the never-ending song goes ever on
And all I wish is to add in a verse.

Not much, too much, to say
As the perpetual sunset falls in the day
So "gather ye rosebuds while ye may"
A poet, you say? I'm not trying to rhyme
Sometimes...It just comes out that way...

In the classroom students come and leave
Reciting Auden, Frost and Kipling.

Many will linger, and many will flee
Many sitting solitary, thinking of nothing at all
Waiting for their moment of greatness,
And missing it, like Icarus and the fall
But not me.

I will loll in the atmosphere of midnight
And thrive off the imagination it creates
I am a person who dreams and hides
And sometimes, learns from mistakes.

So let these thoughts drift
Through dreary fog and morning mist
Like fireflies or falling leaves
Of deserted hopes and prevailing dreams
Of forbidden kisses at four in the morning
And possibly...falling in love...

I've danced those nights away,
And I've walked down those halls,
I've laughed with friends and cried alone
Whether it was from pride, fear,
Uncertainty...or nothing at all.

But, shall I digress-
For there is time still to not forget
The echoing screams of guardians
Vengefully shredding my silence
And paper-mache confidence…
Throw these memories off the deck, tied to weights!
For I have broader days ahead of me waiting…

Yes, I plan to make these moments
Of finite breath extraordinary!
I am not Prufrock, I will not-
Scuttle at the bottom of the sea!
I dare disturb the universe,
I dare to write and fly and dream!
Because a human is a thing of passion
And that's what I thrive on for...
Are you taken aback? Are you nervous?
Maybe you should be. For I have a promise to keep.
Nor am I Marlow, unlike the seaman,
I went ashore for a howl and dance
I was intrigued, and took a leaping chance
And never regretted it once; nor in fear of death
For I do not wish to conquer death, like Frankenstein
For even if Death is not proud, it has made cowards of us all.
No, I shall let death be, and go and visit Old Yorick’s skull
Even though his jests and gambols were made silent long ago,
The memory of his laughter still fills my mind…

This goes to show, from young knowledge and naivety,
I would not have claimed these aspirations a year ago.

In the library students come and go
Reading on Byron, Donne and Thoreau.

But what to say on Love?
On Love? In love? Be it in love with love?
Well, I’ve known my fair share with love,
And I’ve heard their chords and compliments
When audacious suitors come to call,
Yes, I have heard, I have heard them all.
And I must say I swooned at first,
Then remained cautious at second,
And by third, I was unimpressed.
And I have known love’s lips already
Like the way I know myself in a mirror
But love still surprises me every day,
Whether it be with a laugh or flow of tears…

So I shall say this now,
Because you are not here to hear it-
I love you! I always have!
But this love song is for my heart
And mine alone.

So shall I say, I shall dream,
And upon waking, I will strive on,
And not yield a day to fruitlessness
But live, as I dream, transcendently…
Till I bow my eyes on the shores of reverence,
Whispering Shakespeare…"and the rest is silence".


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