Comments : Fallen Angel~Song

  • 14 years ago

    by Ingrid


    I dind't see that one coming!
    Impressive work, MaryAnne....

    I am not a fan of dark poetry, but this is really good ( you are good, ha ha)

    I am a fallen angel now,
    Standing on the dark side,
    I am a sunken battleship,
    Living in the dim abyss.

    This could never be you, you are as bright and cheerful as the sun itsself:)

    Good work, girlie:)


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 14 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    'The devil has crept inside me,
    And found permanent rest,
    He now controls my every move,
    Manipulating me.'
    `I didnt like the repetition of me at the end of this stanza - it threw the flow off for me. I know that you dont really have much of a rhyme scheme here.. but maybe say.. ' my best.' - Does that make sense?

    'I used to close my feelings off,
    For no one else to read,
    But I soon shattered the shield,
    To invite others in.'
    `Loved 'shattered the shield' .. very unique way of saying you let people in.

    'I am a sinking battleship,
    Nearing the dim abyss'
    `Sinking battleship may be a little cliche, but nonetheless well done

    Well done! Definatly something different and in a genre I dont normally see you write in. Its nice to see you stepped out of the box with this one. Good job

  • 14 years ago

    by The Queen

    Goodbye all that I once knew,
    I never will return,
    My purpose here is true,
    This is who and what I am.
    ^^I think what you meant was through instead of true.....

    A very creatively done...I liked the structure and rhymed beaurifully too although there were some stanzas that dint. The contents and title suited well..You managed to focus on the title...Well done..

  • 14 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Verse 1:
    The devil has crept inside me,
    And found permanent rest,
    He now controls my every move,
    Forcing his very best.

    -- Creepy. Like really creepy. I imagined Satan crawling inside of me and just living there. *Shivers* I don't think anyone would want that to happen, but I could be wrong. <.<

    Verse 2:
    I used to close my feelings off,
    For no one else to read,
    But I soon shattered the shield,
    And took the front lead.

    -- I think a lot of people cover their feelings up, but it's good to like them out. Be honest with yourself and everyone else. I've been trying to do that. It's better.

    I am a falling angel,
    Leaning toward the dark side,
    I am a sinking battleship,
    Nearing the abyss.

    -- Aww.. I was really expecting it to rhyme. It kind of disappointed me, but it's a song so it probably sound much better when you're singing it. Just wish I could hear.

    I am a human dying,
    Cursed with a disease,
    I am a changing soul,
    Morphing into evil.

    -- Wow. The first line was really blunt. I liked that, and I reeaallyy liked the use of the word disease. It's like saying evil is a disease.

    Verse 3:
    Soon the process will be complete,
    And I'll never again be me,
    No longer will I have to live,
    My days in low degree.

    -- The last line sounds a little forced. ><

    Verse 4:
    Things are much better this way,
    No matter what is said,
    My view is quickly altering,
    Ready for what lies ahead.

    -- Oooh. Your mind set is changing in this stanza thinking that it's better to be evil instead of sad. I think that's what's happening at least.

    I am a fallen angel now,
    Standing on the dark side,
    I am a sunken battleship,
    Living in the abyss.

    I am a dead human,
    Who became the disease,
    I am a fully changed soul,
    Who was morphed into evil.

    -- I really like the slight changes here. What was in the process of happening before has already happened now.

    Verse 5:
    My thirst for revenge will soon be quenched,
    For I have joined the infamous,
    Fallen angels.

    -- Great ending.

    I loved it. I just wish I could have heard it. :]

    Keep writing.