I hope they think that I'm the coolest

by Seth Rowley   Jul 14, 2009

I don't want to be like these other men, I want to be myself.

There's nothing wrong with asking people for help.

I get depressed a lot so shoot me.

You just got to learn how to suck other people's stuff in deep.

I'm not meaning this in a sexual way.

I'm not afraid of what happens tomorrow because tomorrow hasn't happened yet.

I wish that life wouldn't give you any obstacles to maneuver.

And stupid people only get stupider.

I don't really think that stupider is a word.

It's a word to me and that's all that really matters.

If you mess something up, go back and try it again.

Other men will try to scare you because they want you down on their level.

Sometimes I get tempted by the devil.

The devil can disguise himself as something tempting to your eyes.

We have to be bright girls and guys.

We also have to remember to never give up hope.

Things hardly ever go your exact way, so you have to shine and glow.

Everybody on this earth is human, everybody makes mistakes.

Don't sit there and dwell on your mistakes!

Learn from your mistakes, you don't have to get rid of your friends.

Sometimes your friends can help you out, if they are your true friends.

I don't really care what happens to me in the end.

I'm just glad they finally stopped talking about Michael Jackson.

He's in a better place or worst place, I don't know for sure.

I'm not trying to be a snitch, I don't want to be a snitch.

So don't make me be a snitch!

If you live your life I'll live mine.

I'm tired I'm talking a whole bunch of gibber jabber.

I'm eating two hamburgers and I didn't go walking today, I'm fixing to get fatter.

I've got to change my way of doing stuff the old me is dead and gone.

You'll be my friend when I'm happy, sad, right or wrong.

Sometimes when I get jealous I keep thinking you won't be my friend any more.

I couldn't live with myself if you decided to walk out our friendship door.

I take that back I could live with myself but I don't want that to take place because it would be so hard.

I find it hard to trust people in this world.

Sometimes I don't know if people are using me for my money or if they really want to be friends.

Some people might think I am using them.

I don't think I am using anybody.

I know I'm not perfect and I do mess up, I actually mess up every single day.

I need to learn how to not take things so seriously.

At the same time it's always good to be alert.

You never know your surroundings.

People have sneaky ways to trick you into giving them anything they want.

I'm not going to play with people's emotions.

I may talk smack at work but I don't mean to be a jerk.

I love all my co-workers to the fullest.

I hope they think that I'm the coolest.


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