Just like the Phoenix

by XxLastHopexX   Jul 18, 2009

We each carry our own stories
Of how life has beaten us,
Destroyed us,
Neglected us,
Left us crying,
And each of us will one day live a moment
One moment in time
Where we'll die a little inside
You'll be confined in that moment
Nothing will matter
All will seem bleak
And when you reach out
You'll find not a strand of hope
But when there,
I was once told
You must act as the phoenix,
Who explodes upon its death,
Beautiful and majestic,
And from its gray ashes...
Is reborn
With all the knowledge and wisdom of its past lives
And when you sit in that lapse of time
Your heart dead,
You have already exploded
And all that's left are your ashes
Which you too must come out of reborn
With all your past knowledge and wisdom
But the same...
Just as the phoenix.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    I truly applaud your technique in this poem and appeal.

  • I love the contrast throughout the poem, the way it started off being so dark and bleak, to the magical colours of something that seemed so dead.

    I loved the poem =] 5/5 Keep writing =]