I have met a demon

by smile sunshine   Aug 19, 2009

I have met a demon.

This demon has no face,
yet when I think about it,
when I hear about it,
I can see it, staring at me;
laughing in my face as it threatens to take her life.

Every tear I shed it takes in,
using it toward its strength and power.
It thrives upon my every dreadful day,
and craves my breaking heart,
waiting for the day that I will completely fall apart.

I cannot physically see it,
but it is so ugly, putrid, and awful.
I hate everything about it;
it's sour taste and nauseas smell, its rough exterior scratching at my heart.
I pray every day of my life that it will just go away,
but it does not. It enjoys its stay. It enjoys destroying my family.

I fear this demon immensely.
I am scared to death that some day it will conquer her,
sitting on its throne of glory,
smiling as it knows it has succeeded;
knowing that I tried so hard and still failed.

It has taken over my life,
haunting me every day;
killing me inside,
knowing it could take her any second,
take away the person I need the most,
take away the person's life who gave me mine.

I have met a demon.

I will be the first to say how much I hate it,
how I despise its disgusting face,
how I hate the way it makes my heart race,
how it always manages to put every tear in its place,
and how its making her so weak, she can hardly stand.

It is making her sicker than she has ever been before.
There are days she can barely move.
It is taking over every part of her, and every part of me.
It is taking over like the conquering of a country;
a spider taking over its prey.

Yes. I have met a demon.

I detest the very thought of its existence,
and I can not stand the way it tears people apart.
I loathe everything it involves, incorporates, and loves.
I despise this rotten, evil, purely sickening demon.

I have met a demon, and I wish it would die.

* This was written when my mom was battling cancer for the 3rd time. It is gone now, but it is very possible that it will come back. Cancer is a demon that I wish would die. If you or a loved one are fighting this demon, you are not alone, and I pray for you.


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