The Crucible

by Dana   Oct 6, 2009

I was once a powerless servant just existing, taking up space
But I would soon become notorious and everyone would hear my case.
You see if it wasn't for Proctor, I still would not know
The power that love possesses and how rapidly it can grow.
The love I felt seemed real, never thinking it was just mere fun
Until Elizabeth shut me out, and I was fearful she had won.
The ideal opportunity knocked, and I took it for all it was worth
"Elizabeth is a witch!"I'll say, concluding her life here on earth.
The idea proved to be flawless and everyone seemed to believe,
I could feel the victory within me, my dreams almost achieved.
Soon John intervened and spoke in Elizabeth's defense,
Mumbling words of her innocence declaring she wouldn't die at his expense.
He told Danforth about our affair, and of course I did not agree,
Besides what would make Danforth believe Proctor over me?
I knew that John was acting he truly loved me, he must!
But it was in the end I realized what he felt was simply lust.
Many innocents died, mostly important to the town,
The people were bitter; I heard whispers when I was around.
I endured harsh stares and even worse conditions
The chaos worsened each day, to make me miserable was the towns mission.
So I packed up my life and left the hysterical town I created
For it became a place I couldn't stand, all the people I hated.
I paid I very high price, for love but mostly retaliation,
But I destroyed my lives of many including mine in the duration.

(It was an assignment for school to write a poem from the point of view as a character in the Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller)


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