Round #1,777 (One of The Battles)

by rachael   Nov 25, 2009

I'd made mistakes
One in particular, with a guy, that would last
but I'd seen I was wrong, I asked Your forgiveness
I moved on
Getting to know You more
And stepping out
Meeting awesome friends
So happy Then,
One day
It started coming back to me
That particular mistake
All day and all night
it kept coming back to me
in my thoughts
it seemed
I couldn't be rid of the
guilt and shame
of what I'd done
Over again and once more
would i battle these thoughts
continuing on into the night
he was persistent
I was persistent
Because it was important
Because it was the difference between
My freedom and
my bondage
I refused to be held down
I refused something that happened in
The past
to cripple
my future
Standing firm
I knew He was with me
And that He won't ever leave me
I can do ALL things through Him
He gives me strength
As the invisible war rages
I remember what He told me
What He tells me
I am a new creation
The old has passed away
He is making everything new
He says I am an
Incredible jewel
A rose,
even if i see myself as a tulip
He says I am
That He loves me
He likes me
He gives me power, love and a sound mind
And with one last swift blow
its a knock out for this round

All these things, how God sees me, He sees all girls like that too, all beautiful and precious, making His heart beat faster.

**note**where He is capitalized I'm referring to God and where it is in lower case it refers to the devil. Also the title is what it is for a purpose, it means that though you have many battles, if you know God, he'll be with you in all of them hence the number 777


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