Us Against The World

by Mello193   Dec 23, 2009

For Mary Cavagnaro

My dear, my soul desire
Caught my breath as if on fire
cant seem to catch my breath
My head on your chest
Live an autumn leave
Lets give this our best

My heart has great weight
Like a brick thru your front window
Almost a victim like fate
destined heart-ached black widow

My crucible defiled
Ctr, alt, delete my heart
My hearts become retired
Spitting dry words "that's not art"
I sink now to the ocean floor
I begrudge this envy of mine
Because I know we meant more
sending shivers down my spine
it is now the grieving time

The death of your beauty
Like a bird without wings
Your so use-less, so use ME
like pain and love dace in-twirled
its just you and me
its us against the world


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