Secret City

by Chuck Aquino   Feb 24, 2010

I'm a Fine Arts student in room one-o-three
A uniform, some chairs, a table and me
A blackboard, a window and trees to my right
It's a nice day with blue skies and a sun shining bright

Birds chirping a song you don't understand
Other animals and insects hiding from man
People are always looking for a secret city
They don't realize it's here because they are busy

The secret city is made out of wood and green
With a cool breeze, and a pleasant scene
That secret city is a place I'd like to live at
I'm living in a control freak habitat

There is no freedom of where I am
Due to studies, reports, work, and exams
The trees and butterflies have no restriction
Watching them free is like mental crucifixion

I love these nature bastards that I envy
The calmness and no-worries come in many
I want what those nature things got
Instead of sitting here in this world to rot

Instead of growing grey hair with anxiety
Instead of this messed up crazy society
People are beautiful but, yet so shitty
I want to live in this secret city


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