Zitty the Kitty

by Steven   Jun 16, 2010

Before i would put down a single words
my tears were starting to flow
it may have been the lyrics of the song
maybe it was the melody of the song
or it could have been the painful memories from before
i started writing this lost love poem

we were once holding one another so close
from waist and shoulders
we were locked and ready to slow dance
the song goes with a mellow stream
the artist is off in another world
while he sings about Zitty the Kitty

his words pierce your heart so quick
you don't even have time to prepare
the magical feeling of falling in love
is just another illusion used
before you could escape
Zitty has already trapped the Kitty

the story goes on in a garden
where flowers tell the story
while the animals watched and witnessed
of how Zitty the Kitty
fell in love with one another

But in the end
they were just lost souls
not to the song lyrics or melody
but to the idea of love and romance
Zitty the kitty was gone long ago
before anyone knew it happened
A heart broken person to be exactly correct
nobody knew why it became this way
they just knew one thing about Zitty
How Zitty really did love someone with one's heart
so much that it took his life

writing this poem now
tears shed from my very eyes
where i once loved someone with my heart
truly and faithfully loved someone
now it's slowly taking my life away from me
without giving me a chance to fight back
"I'm sorry everyone and I'm Sorry ...."
this is as far as Zitty and his Kitty can ever go...


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