Comments : Acceptance

  • 13 years ago

    by Jad

    Hmm... a good thought provoking poem I believe. I like the fact that you have taken neither the side of the optimist or pessimist. Sometimes better to look at things the way you look at this glass. Good job and keep writing.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ronald Edwards

    I am an engineer and had a Russian mentor who always gave me philosophy and quotes to prove his point. He used this "half empty half filled" on me one day. I replied there was another way of looking at this. He of course said what it could be, thinking this was an example that has been used for centuries and I was about to make a fool of myself. I said the water is exactly right and the glass was twice as big then it has to be. I stated it was a packaging issue not a contents dilemma. He didn’t talk to me for days hahahahaha

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Flowless...wise...thoughtful and extremely new. I love the idea and msg.and how u wrote it..loved ur description as well

    very well done