Forever Freedom's Ghost

by Crystal Fire   Jan 12, 2011

I see him standing there
Forever looking over a barren Field
Of bloodshed and massacre
Never flinching.
His gun by his side,
Posture straight, eyes reliving
The battle once fought
For freedom.
He didn't shed a tear,
Turn his back and walk away,
That lonely man stood his ground, and
Watched the unseen war rage on.
I wondered what he had been through,
What horrors he had witnessed,
I looked out at the field,
Pondering on all the lives lost.
I slowly turned back to the man,
Stood speechless as he raised his gun and
Fired five rounds into the Heavens,
Each shot sounding in my bones.
I looked on as he lowered his gun
Back to his side. Slowly he
Raised his right arm and
Saluted the fallen.
I watched as he walked away,
Disappearing into the sunlight
And for the lone solider,
I shed my tears.

~Crystal Whitefire )O(


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