Her pain

by Perfectly Imperfect   Feb 15, 2011

She looks as him,
But all he sees is mad,
He askes what's wrong,

She can only say Nothing,
But as she walks away,
She asks the herself,
What's not wrong?

She can't take one more lie,
One more broken Promise,
One more broken heart,
One more hurtful remark,

She just can't,
Her heart isn't all there,
She feels as if it's gone,
It's only pain,

&When she talks,
Her voice is filled with hate,
Or sadness,
Rarely what she trys tuh make happiness,

She listens tuh the sadness music,
But no one notices,
They only hear her singing,
But she's really hiding her pain,

She doesn't wanna die,
She doesn't wanna laugh,
She doesn't wanna cry,
She doesn't wanna hurt,

She just wants all the pain tuh leave,
But nothing's working,
Everyone is trying tuh help her,
But NOTHING will work,

It just needs tuh be fixed,
She needs some special tuh fill the whole,
While she trys tuh avoid hurt again,
She can't trust thoughh,

Everything seems harder,
She feel like she can't control herself,
She's losing all happiness,
She needs a light in the dark room she calls her life</3.


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