Corn Bread

by Writtenpain   Mar 26, 2011

I have no idea what this poem means or anything but w.e.

Some people use it as bread for the ghetto
I think it's just a form of cake
For all i care it's the color of pissed on snow
Turned into a square served on a plate

It's crumby with a hard top
With little grind up corn seeds
While mixing it up, it looks like slop
"Y'all" eat it with mac and cheese and green leafs

It makes my mouth dry and flinty
I'll feed it to some fishes, i swear i would
Y'all tear it up like y'all can eat plenty
To me it's yucky, to y'all it's good

um...yeah not the best of poem but i decided to put it up anyways so...


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