Bipolar Life

by Zach   Jun 21, 2011

Sometime I get mad

And then I get sad

I tears me apart to know you are glad

My emotions all change in the blink of an eye

I will not lie at times I would die

The shadows they are the first sign

They come to my eyes

They come to my mind

I cannot fight them

And suddenly i am the me I'm not supposed to be

When its done i have to explain

No one can possibly understand my pain

I hate the disorder

That has me on my border

I hate bipolar disorder.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Krystyna good..that explains me right there...

  • 12 years ago

    by Ysabella Scott

    I like it. its amazing. you have a wounderful state of mind. it takes well consentration to come up with something so well written, but u make it look easy. Im Ysabella btw.

  • 12 years ago

    by Natalie

    I came across this poem almost accidentally. I like to read sad poems because I feel poetry is at its best when it deals with pain. I didnt expect this!

    The writing in your poem is simple and straight to the point. No complicated words. I loved that because you've managed to make the reader understand something so difficult, so complex without needing to use big words. You have a talent for making your reader feel exactly what you want them to.

    "And suddenly i am the me I'm not supposed to be"

    This was my favourite line. I absolutely LOVED it. Why? Because, even though you're talking about an illness that no one who hasnt lived it can truly undertand, EVERYONE knows what this feels like. Losing control. At one point or another, everyone has lost control and they are not themselves or do something out of character. So well done for making your pain so understandable and easy to relate to.

    I've nominated this poem for the website contest and I really hope you win. Because although this may not be the best poem in the world, it is raw and true to human emotions. Also, I dont know a lot of 16 year olds who would be brave enough to talk about such a difficult subject.

    Your poem has touched me and for that I congratulate you! 5/5 without a doubt!

  • 12 years ago

    by Jennifer Garcia

    I don't have bipolar disorder, but I was close to someone who did- the mom of my best childhood friend. I never understood why her moods changed the way they did, I always thought when she was unhappy that it was something I or her daughter did. I wish I had known, I would have tried much harder to comfort least I would have been able to understand. From what I saw, your poem seems to be very truthful about how it affects someone and it helps me understand that much more. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lauren

    Well written, and in a way i can relate not only does my bf have bipolar but i have epilepsy, while u cannot control ur emotions i cannot control my body....

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