Abandoned and Burned

by Blindeyes   Jun 29, 2011

I see the flames in the mirror...the steam rising from my skin.
The cold world around me cracks from the heat in my heart.
The ones I trusted have betrayed me...the so called friends.
The material things, I can let go of all that...
But you...
They have made a puppet out of you...a sacrifice...an object.
I will never forgive them for what they've done.
And I owe them nothing because of it...
There is no amount of money to be placed on the emotions of the heart...
It is priceless.
I willing stepped into the fire...for them...and for you.
And when I finally needed them...wanted their help...
They all abandoned me.

I look at the scars...mainly the ones you've left.
The ones I willing let you make.
To show you that I'm used to the pain...
That I've suffered enough in life that physical pain has become bliss.
And I thought it was something you'd appreciate.
Clearly...the scars weren't enough.

Thinking back on it...It burns me.
You were the replacement...and I was the problem.
I feel the searing heat thinking about how I was provoked.
Just thinking about them using you...and not valuing who you are...
Knowing that all you are to them is an object...
That they will violate you with no regard of you or anyone else.

Spiritual vengance will be swift and unmercifull...
The fire burns hotter and the spirit...she grows more infuriated.
When she lashes out at the ones who've betrayed me...they will suffer.
And all who's in her path will fall.

They will never be able to prepare for her wrath.
This has happened before...and will always happen.
My defender...my protector...my angel...
"Suffer not the weak and true, spirits wrath consumes the betrayers."


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