
by Rita hendeson   Oct 19, 2011

You begin to flow my way
i begin to feel your chill
you hit me hard as i walk out the door
my fragile body
trying to make its way without freezing
the way you move so fast yet so invisible

what did i do to deserve your beatings
what did i do to feel this today

can you come back when I'm hot?
can u just warm up a little ?

its not fair
wind and i don't get along

you hit me
i begin to shiver and shake

so could you please go away


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  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    The beginning could have been a metaphoric line or two ..
    The wind is whipping through my area today and it's cold so I can relate to each word haha..excellent

  • 12 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    You have this creative mind in writing nature poems like ur mum:)
    Great poem, I loved it:)

    • 11 years ago

      by Rita hendeson

      She is my birth mother she is not my mom . im sorry if you did not know this but icringe when people call her my mom. she chose her life over mine .

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    I really love this one..... very creative!!! You do have the nature love in you :-) LOVE this poem~