
by sun spots   Dec 22, 2011

I have an addiction, an addiction times two.
One is the pen the other is you.
I need the pen to write down my notes.
I need you to read those thoughts.
We do it this way because we are afraid.
Of what lurks within us.
This thing we have made.
It,s always been there hiding away.
But now it,s rearing it,s head.
And has something to say.
It is,nt ugly,a terrible thing.
It,s what we all crave.
A beautiful thing.
Love that lasts the test of time.
Deep in me buried and blind.
Waiting patiently hoping one day.
The reason for love will again show her face.
And when she appears out of the blue.
The love that we had will start anew.


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  • 12 years ago

    by sun spots

    Neither can i.Its a part of me i never knew existed.Maybe it did long ago and it has been lying dormant since.

  • 12 years ago

    by sun spots

    Cant believe all these words and feelings,you are expressing through your poems. X