To My Beloved Guardian Angel

by John Dlyan Boone BABY   Jan 22, 2012

Why must my life be so gloom?
Why is it such a struggle to manage a smile?
Why does everyone that has to know me look
Down upon me as if I am a diseased creature?
I have tried to be the best I could manage but
No one respects me or even takes
Awareness to my pains,

I hold onto the hurt swelling inside
My body because no one could
Ever understand the feeling's I hold,
Everyone acts as if they know my
Pains but they could never
Understand for my sorrows are
Mine and only mine,

My Hate My Neglect My Scar's,
Are mine and only mine,
I hate the way I hold but I never give out pain,
I feel I am always in a burning fire pit,
Why try I really don't see A point,

I am always in this little cell with
These monsters I call friends,
All day long I feel such pain,
All these demons in my soul making me sick,
While I am here I shall always feel empty


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  • 12 years ago

    by Ste

    Scary place that it to be sure. Those of us who have been there or visit from time to time (forcibly or not) recognise it. Your poem describes it admirably. Well done but also chin up!

  • 12 years ago

    by Sami

    This totally describes how i feel. Beautiful work. (:

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