Desert Sea

by jen sheridan   Jan 30, 2012

A weighted heat settles wearily over the landscape, pressing unceasingly upon all that lies beneath,
The sun burns passionately, scorching rock and searing flesh only her fury will she bequeath,
Poignant are the bordering rocks, beaten and sharpened mercilessly by time as she ravages their defences,
Predators of the air dart back and forth, foraging masterfully whilst displaying their hunting sequences,
Attuned to their surroundings swooping effortlessly, with accuracy and vehemence only nature could create,
A whispering breeze so hot and dry, drawing moisture from me rapidly with no signs it will abate,
This wind upon the waves causes an unpredictable result, pushing and pulling until even the waves have lost their intended direction,
A blur of colour shows in each wave differing with the individual ebbs, each colour pushing forth with forceful determination,
Crashing against the rocky edges the colours explode from within the depths, fireworks within, longing for release,
A sea- spray of petals and pollen ride the unpredictable desert wind, seeking to land where nature provides sustenance and peace,
The droning heat continues as the hours tick, tick away, yet unable to part with this tableau I am compelled to silently admire,
A masterful portrait depicted as only the finest artist could present, waiting, watching intently, for Mother Nature to transpire,
This is a desolate place where water is scarce, yet here in the heart defying all, exists the desert flower sea,
Here in this very moment I feel this place and it's beauty were meant for my eyes only, as here and now there is only me.

Respectfully dedicated to Central Australia affectionately known as 'The Red Centre"

J. Sheridan
(Sept 2011)


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