
by Brianne   Apr 12, 2012

I want to know WHY, WHY, WHY?
Why can't you see the hurt in my eyes.
Why can't you hear the pain in my voice.
Why can't you see my heart and all the hurt you put there.
Why can't you see the anger inside of me.
Why can't you see and hear the hate that you put in my head, my heart and my eyes.

Why aren't you willing to work things out with mom.
Why won't you even try.
Why are all the women you talk to everyday more important to you than we are.
Why won't you admit that you have a problem and get help.
Why can't you see that all you are doing is tearing us apart.
Why won't you listen to us and the things we have to say.
Why do you get to just throw us away like we are garbage and don't mean a thing to you.
Why aren't we enough for you anymore.
Why don't you care.
Why would you make promises to us knowing that you had no intention of keeping them.

All the pain, anger, hate and hurt you have caused me I hope comes back and bites you in the butt. I hope you think of us everyday for the rest of your life. Knowing you threw us away like nothing more than trash. I hope you wonder every second you are gone how we are doing, what we are doing, where we are and how our lives have turned out. The moment you step out that door there is no turning back. We won't be here waiting for you when things don't work out or they go wrong. You made your choice now you have to live with all the consequences.

Remember you were the one who wanted to leave. All I have left to say is WHY


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