Good job! i done it!

by Steven   Apr 15, 2012

It's almost been a year
since i summoned my courage
to ask a girl to be mine
my shoulders shiver
whenever the thought comes to mind
Good job! i finally told her the truth
now she's sitting next to me
reading comments on facebook
sitting next to her in my empty room
i couldn't have ask for anything else
good job! I finally did it
were a couple now
no more stretching arm trick during movies
or those lame comments of weather being cold
just so i could hug her close to me
I still can't believe i had it so good
marching down each lane in the market
with someone next to me each time
having a staring contest with the fishes in the tanks
jumping with fear from the crabs that still move
romance couldn't be anymore better than this
Laying around on a sunny day
both too lazy to move or get up
arms locked together
bodies connected as a whole
good job! I done it
I said those words finally today
she looks at me speechless
I thought i made a mistake to be honest
but the smile upon her face proved me wrong
whispering into my ear
nobody could hear her, but me
do you really need to guess what she said to me?
i highly doubt it!
I'm laughing now that's the truth
but she said she loves me
now that's a fact!


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