
by Misshapenheart21   Apr 19, 2012

I don't respond to punishment
I don't enjoy exaggerations
I hate it when people say good job when I don't feel I did
If I don't exceed the goal I set I am angry
I have high standard
I like encouragement before
But after I do poorly I need to reflect not be told I did well
I can do better
Don't act so surprised when I succeed
I'm capable
If you want to push me push me
But you don't have my permission to pull me down
You should be helping me but instead you embarrass me
It's ok though
I have high standards for myself
And I will prove you wrong


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  • 12 years ago

    by Invisible man

    LOVE IT! Exactly what I think after every time a have a dance competition! Great job (Y)

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Really powerful piece. I found this uplifting and inspirational 'cause I always belittle myself.. Anyone with low self-esteem will find this piece very helpful and inspiring.

    "But after I do poorly I need to reflect not
    be told I did well"
    I like these lines alot. Yes, we need that little boost and encouragement from others, but we should not stop trying when we hear others say we did a great job.. We should strive to be better, not better than others, but better than the person we were before..

    Amazing piece. And I've added this to my favorites..everytime I need a little inspiration, I'll read this. Thanks for sharing :) Keep up the good work
