Repentance forgiveness and reconciliation

by MerlinofAthens   Apr 20, 2012

Repentance forgiveness and reconciliation
the three lessons to be gleaned from the prodigal son.
these lessons to be learned by the loyal one.
He only wanted, so it seems a goat.
When all of the Father's joy was his.


Over the course of the writing of the Bible,
many the great men had instruments by which they were well known.
Noah had his ark, Abraham his shepherd Staff.
Moses his tablets, David his sling, Gideon his lamp.
The Master Himself had The Word From His Father in Heaven...
What does Findley have?
I will tell you.
It is a gavel.. As seen by the untrained eye, it appears to be only a pair of industrial strength plyers. Look Closely. It is a gavel. AND NO ORDINARY GAVEL! it is a PRAYING HANDS GAVEL. Look. See the two arms and just above them two wrists and above the two wrists a pair of hands folded in prayer.

The instruments of the great men of Old. NONE OF WHICH, PARTICULARLY THE MASTER, I could dare compare myself to. In the Masters case it would be a sacrelidge. For He died for yoru sins and mine.
Their instruments and mine were NOT the instruments of a platinum tongued charismatic orator, such as a Pharoah or a Caesar.
They were in every case the instrument of a man called into the Service of teh Father in Heaven in whatever way the Fatehr in ehaven would be served by the one called.
How many men were overseen by each called?
Anywhere from eight to well over one million.

That however is not relevant.
What IS relevant is these were men called out of Darkness into the Light. in the Case of Jesus, HE is the one doing the Calling. AMEN!


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