Reading between the lines

by Leanne   Apr 25, 2012

I've nEver been a straight forward person, hence I rock.
From side to side, dodging the point like a bullet in call of. Duty was never soMething I took serIousLy, like a children's nurserY rhyme I heard It being chanted; "You have a Duty to yourself/your country" -TranslatIon- Ennie meenie minny mo-reover, It was joke. So thats how I've grown, expecting everyone be able to translate every ounce of non-nonsensical babbLing that pours Out of my mouth like a riVer-se, lets gEt back to the point. See I could alwaYs read her, like ink On a desk she spilled, accidentally I think, but I coUld always tell, I hear those words that were never spoken, today I am asking you to do the same; READ BETWEEN THE LINES
This is going to be, one of if not THE last poem I submit. I need to get off this site, it reminds me too much of her :/


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