To Be That One

by Brijaal Dana   May 11, 2012

She loved him So much however he was an embarrassment to her
Pleasures of Love can not fulfill the banks of prosperity!

Wants versus Needs can sometimes be a painful choice one has to make.

Lacking a Main ingredient can make one feel inadequate and another burdened, or perhaps even Cheated.

For a man to be made to feel less than a man, or a woman less than a woman is a matrimonial Sin.

A pledge often Bonds the union of a relationship just as a wedge can hold strong between it.

Twas once said that "Love Hurts", which brings a question of Vital importance.

..............."Is Love Wanted Or Needed?"...............

If Love is wanted is Pain desired, or do we merely Painfully Need Love?

If one can do better should Chance and Hope allow them togetherness?

As a river can be changed merely by stepping into it, so too can a stream of Love, by Not doing so, Meaning: 'The stepping up to the plate, or Lack thereof; bringing Nothing to the table.

For two to come together and form a Union, there needs to be a complimentary balance; One that compliments the Other!

To be able to Depend on and Lean on in these times of Importance, simply strengthens Unity within a couple, allowing for Harmonious Loving Bliss.

Give and Take; Pain and Comfort; Sacrifice and Benefit, All of which are the main ingredients that can allow and grow the Strength of True Love! .... WANTED: To Be That One!

~Brijaal Dana


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