Trees Talk

by alton dodson   Aug 4, 2012

Old Daddy Oak has one last dance in his heart
He sway his branches, and shakes his leaves
His brown crusty bark falls to the ground the pain is obselete despite the ear wrenching sound.

Trees dance, Trees sing, and Trees talk

Wilma The Weeping Willow sings on every occasion
She sings through the wind, the music starts from the roots and builds from within
Her wisdom is evident by her gray flowing mane
Wilma rocks back and forth, and side to side
She only sings for the ghost bodies who sits by her side.

Trees dance, Trees sing, and Trees talk

Ella The Evergreen Never shuts up, it seems
She talks about rumors, the neighbors, and worldy affairs
Her branches hold birds, bugs, and anyone who cares
Ella loves the attention that keeps her green with joy
Oh how she talked for days when she found herself a boy
The sunrise brings tales, truth, or lies
When the sunsets she speaks of secrets that you won't ever forget.

Trees dance, Trees sing, and Trees talk

-King Alton m.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Alyssa Rianne


  • 11 years ago

    by Alyssa Rianne

    I lve this poem it flows really well, great job :)

  • 11 years ago

    by alton dodson


  • 11 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    This is certainly a rare piece you wrote here
    like Peter said, using trees of all as your
    subject. Enjoyed reading

  • 11 years ago


    A good piece of writing here Alton.
    Your subject here is so unusual, trees of all things!
    I simply loved this piece Alton!
    You have shown that you are capable of some very creative and original thought!
    Keep writing!!

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