What are these on your arm Mom?

by Maria   Oct 22, 2012

*This isn't a poem but it's too long to submit in my quote page*

Basically, if my kids ever ask me about the scars on my arms I will just tell them this: Well, mommy hasn't done a lot of things in her life. While other kids were out playing with their best friends and laughing, mom would stay in and cry because she didn't like herself or anything she did. Mom had some hobbies but she never thought they were worth mentioning. She liked writing poetry and collecting meaningful quotes because that way she could express herself better than any spoken words could. Mom studied enough to pass the Proficiency exam in English and that's why she speaks the language ever since. She used to be one of the best students in her class but that didn't get her very far. She got the job she's always dreamed of and is happily married to the man of her life. To conclude, mom achieved some of her goals and should be very happy with her achievements but that is not happening. Mom is not proud of herself because she managed to do things other people haven't done yet but she IS proud because she found the courage and the strength to stay alive and have you instead, despite the fact that she thought about leaving this world a million times before deciding to stay.


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