Not Your Rag Doll Any More

by Anne P Murray LadeeAnne   Nov 9, 2012

Baby, your time is running out...
No - I won't play in your house anymore
My life as your ragdoll - is coming to an end
Your kind of vapid love left me so forlorn

My heart was torn and frayed
By being tossed around by you
I was but a puppet - in your cruel selfish hands
Played with- then tossed aside
Like some old, gnarly shoe

I was once new and shiny
But you used me - then threw me to the ground
I had bright red curls, with lips painted cherry red
And a happy beautiful smile
But the way you treated me
Was like some game of 'lost and found'

My insides had turned to cotton
Spilling from me - like tidal pools of tears
My smile was painted on
My threads bare and worn
No longer could I feel -I lost so much of me
So many lost and wasted years

Once I didn't have a backbone
It was made of useless twine
Easily dragged around by you
But now I see you for what you are...
A cold heart that has no shine

Next time you think of coming my way
Forget it...Just turn right back around
Cuz' you're not coming in
My heart won't be your rag doll any more
You've lost me...but this last joke's on you
Baby...I'm the one who wins
I'll survive - I don't need a love like yours

Yes, many tears I used to cry
But -I don't want you back anymore
Just keep walkin' on down that road
Now I hold my head up high
My heart has been tranposed
So- don't come knocking at my door...
To you baby - my door's forever closed



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