Devil's Teardrop- A Fallen Angel's Stain

by Anne P Murray LadeeAnne   Nov 9, 2012

I wonder...
Wherever this nebulous varmint is
Here, there, everywhere
Does he ever look to himself in shame
He who leaves his iniquitous stains
For all the hatred he lays claim?

He gives tongue to the anemic, weakened mettle
Wheezing his nidorous, putrid breath into its chambers,
Leaving behind his dark black, deadly whispers
Of desolated emptiness- this demonic mister

He entombs them alive, those he perversely abducts
In his Cimmerian, shadowy hell
Slither back to your bottomless pit
You tenebrous angel from purgatory
You don't deserve a capital 'A'
In your God forsaken name
Demon of greed and endless shame

Conjuring up ways to wickedly ensnare
Those who've weakly stumbled to their knees
You were cast down from the Great One's Home
You don't deserve this world to roam

This is 'Lights Out'...
The demise of you and me
And everything I used to be!
Don't hurl me your meager crumbs of wretched love
As you wickedly tally my teardrops in The Mighty's rain
You menacing angel- I'm aware of your despicable fame

I'm through dancing to your stygian, sooty song
Go back to Hades where you chose to belong
You cheat, you lie with your unlit callous facade
You cerberus hound from hell- you are not from my loving God

I see behind your lurid, false masquerade
You, malevolent angel cast from Heaven above
I pray...
You incubus, you succubus
Recoil back to your wicked, burning inferno
Go crawling back to your lake of fire
Ye who chose crepuscular, selfish desire
And... Pathetically became you

by anne p murray


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