Comments : How Could You Cry?

  • 11 years ago

    by Kate

    ""Dear love, whatever it may be,
    Is insignificant as long as together, are we.
    For there is no pain in the world,
    That the love between us cannot cure,
    And that love, our true love, shall ever endure.""

    Ok, this poem"s ridiculously awesome and it saddens me that I am the first to comment on it.
    OK. For starters, the part I quoted above is my favorite part of this poem. The entire thing is so sweet and yet... just utterly perfect. The rhyme in parts is really good.
    And I love the fact that throughout it, you call each other, or the characters do, "sir" and "madam". It makes them seem like strangers and all but then you figure out they arent. But it puts them as equals. Which is essential in a relationship.
    The title: when I first say it, I was confused. I mean, love poem and it says cry... so I had to read it. And I mean... it is seriously a fantastic. The fact that she is crying because of tue thought of you feeling pain but the only time you feel pain is when she cries... it's good. And I love how you end the poem with the title.
    Definitely a new favorite. Great job.

    • 11 years ago

      by Craig Rose

      Wow!! Thank you so much! That was quite the compliment! You got the message i was trying to portray down to a 'T'. This is actually a story about a little incident that happened between my girlfriend and I last night. I woke up this morning and the words just... happened. Thanks again!

  • 11 years ago

    by Dominique Lewis

    All I can say is...aww. :) <3 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by Wafaa

    I personally loved the way you wrote the conversation and the rhyming in it. It was really touching and despite the sad tone of it,it truly tells a beautiful love connexion.

    That's the first poem I read of your work and I can say now you are incredibly talented!!

    great work! 5/5