Comments : Strangers

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Yaki I just want to cry after touched me more than deeply than I can say. My heart is bursting-

    "Stop hating all that you are,
    and start thinking of
    what you can become.."

    I know everyone feels lonely, like the only person on earth, and wondering if they are the only ones hurting. And it's easy to fall into a pattern where you start to believe it... your voice here is so gentle, how you are dying to meet this stranger. What does it matter if we don't belong? We are told we must belong to society.....but does that mean we are defined by everything we used to think about ourselves or our mixed-up emotions?
    I find comfort reading this...forget the reasons why, forget the actions in the past, and just know there is someone. Even though this person is a stranger, you can share something so profound. That desire to find a home.
    I love this poem so much, keep it up dear :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Yaki, this piece was something that I can really relate to, the whole thing was so damn beautiful, so sad and so emotionally draining but so perfect too.

    I was a worm,
    book worm, food worm,
    all worm...
    crawling through the
    piles of idealogies I heard everyday

    ^^Just awesome girl!!

    When we are born everyone says "aww, so cute, I love her little nose, those little fingers" and then as we grow, we may be called "ugly" yet our mothers love us unconditionally.

    But I felt this on a personal level, the ache to meet your firstborn, your child, and make them feel special, treat them the way they deserve...this just got me right in the beat of my heart

    You are awesome girl, and I love ya

  • 11 years ago

    by Someone Invisible

    My.god. sooo d*mn touchin'

    "people are never accepting
    of those who don't agree
    with them, those
    who talk back are never welcomed,
    we know it-"

    story of my life right there in 5 little lines and I wish someone were there to tell me

    " ... I will..
    I will love you, stranger
    even if you're diseased
    if you're bruised,
    and confused
    I will love you anyways.."

    not alot of people have it in them to be strangers in a world full of people scared of differance and that there is sad
    please continue to write like this cuz this is the kind of writing that inspired me to start writing peotry.

  • 11 years ago

    by Decayed

    I don't care if you were planned, if you were a mistake, or a regret.I don't care which womb carried you, or which semen produced you.

    ^ my God... that was breathtaking.