Comments : Can a poem ever die?

  • 11 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves

    No, a poem can't die, a poem has the ability to live on beyond it's years and tell secrets that only ink can reveal.

    Great poem, and I love the title.

  • 11 years ago

    by Mohan

    You are right its also a living being.
    everything is nice but no death for poems.

  • 11 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Exquiste Write Amreen!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Rebecca Bentley

    I love this amreen, you are a very talented poet! Great meaning to this poece! Very nicely penned 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by tainted melody

    I like this because it was unlike anything I have ever read before. And there is definetly something to be said for originality

  • 11 years ago

    by East Poetry

    Quite an outstanding poem, yes a poem is imortalized when one's thought are put to paper. But to live is one thing, but living with renown is another. A peom will die when it loses its meaning and a peom loses its meaning when it goes un read.

  • 11 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    How true! A poem is also a living being.

    "blessed a death.
    And it dies
    when it loses its meaning.

    ^^I like the whole write and the ending especially is a knockout and true to the core. Another well written write :)

  • 11 years ago

    by NobodyKnowsItButMe

    Awww! From a bright beginning to a gloomy ending! Lol well, I loved this piece a lot! And I know this poem will be immortal...( I hope so that its not blessed with death! :) )

  • 10 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Interesting interpretation .

    I however believe they can never die as
    The poems from 1700 , 1800 are still very
    Much alive today.

    However if you write a poem about your love
    And the love ends maybe that's when the poem
    Loses all meaning and out to rest.

    Really loved this idea the wird choice was amazing
    And the whole creativity of the poem really makes
    The words glue in your mind.

    Amazing job .

  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Your poems are always so unique. Sometimes it's so hard to find something to write about that hasn't been done 2304923808 times, but you always seem to do it! :)

    Personally, I don't think a poem can ever die... but I think I know what you mean... that the words that once held meaning no longer do not. Like saying "I love you" at one point to someone and then you have a falling out and don't anymore, they hold no meaning any longer.

    Very thought provoking!

  • 10 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    "I can't state how much I adore that one opening line. I believe we can all relate to that as poets and I find it to be so true- a poem is alive, because it's our thoughts, our words, our opinions, our emotions. It's our lives.
    Whilst I really enjoyed this poem and do agree with it I found the ending to end on somewhat of a negative tone because of the way it was phrased whereas I found the previous parts incredibly thought provoking and moving.
    Then again, I guess if/when a poem loses its meaning then that means that the time that the author talks about in said poem doesn't really have any meaning anymore, and this could be taken both positively or negatively depending on which part of a person's life was losing it's original meaning, so looking objectively and without knowing more detail I could take it either way.
    What I do love is how the entire poem is worded and how it makes us question and really think on things, as of course to a poet a poem will always be alive at the time of creation and will be something unique and meaningful to each writer.
    My only complaint is that I would have liked to see more imagery throughout as I believe this would have added even more emotion to a wonderfully penned piece."

  • 10 years ago

    by Love Fallacy

    Interesting and very true. It's simple but gets the point across well. Nice job.