Astronomical Love

by Daylight Lucidity   Jun 22, 2013

With each fading sun, there comes a moon
Trailing stars that fall, comets that soar,
Across skies that are enriched by ebony velvet
Offering arms of astronomic love adored
By my own eyes.
Through this large telescope I peek
Every evening, hoping to discover
Some new home for my passion; a planet, a nebula, a new constellation maybe.
I search through the night's shadows
Finding not only creatures never seen, but glimmers in leaves
A luminescence taking hold of their bodies
Leaving me to cherish it more than before.
The only thing I could ever love more than these blessed findings,
Would be an angel that floats through my thoughts
Taking my hand and placing a kiss
Upon painted cheeks of rose.
The love I have for this dear angel,
However delightful and unmentioned it stands,
Can never be touched
As if it were astronomical love.


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