The Subway's Veiw.

by chloe   Jun 23, 2013

Hush hush squeal the train comes down the track,
ding dang dong go the doors ,clickity clickity clack,
warm air rushes out as the doors welcome you in,
The seat is warm as you sit down, and a stranger gives you a grin,
The corderoy seats all stained and worn give off a musky smell,'
these seats know people of years past , so many stories they could tell,
Theres an old man humming by the door standing and staring down,
a woman in a sharp crisp suit gives this old soul a frown,
One late traveller rushes in so anxious and un-sure,
We all have somewhere we must go, but life moves in a blur,
We are all on one big subway ride rushing all about,
we all have some place we should go, and we must figure it out,
Yes we all want to figure it out and make it to the top,
we never quite realize its a lovely veiw, untill its too late,
and the train... comes ... to... a ... STOP!


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  • 10 years ago

    by ThebutterfliesMuse

    This is an interesting poem. I love thr imagery of it as rvery line tells a story. The rhyming is good. The only spelling mistake is "veiw" should be " view". 5/5