Silent Tear Drops

by Lifesbreath   Sep 28, 2013

Silent tear drops fall,
when your outside,
searching for peace,
in the pouring rain.

Silent tear drops that sting,
as they slide down your face,
while your heart is writhing
in pain.

Silent tear drops roll as
the conductor calls telling you
its time to go.

You see his mouth move,
but can't seem to hear a word,
getting on anyway acting
like you heard.

Silent tear drops slow,
now since you've become numb
to the sensation, as the train chugs off
from the station.

Silent tear drops stop,
when you meet life at your
next destination with open arms
and realize you rock!

Special Recognition: to Baby Rainbow for giving me inspiration for this poem with her prompt (Silent Tears Drops)! Thank you!


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