Don't Fall In Love With The Same Person Twice!

by Michael Garcia   Nov 2, 2013


Don't do the same mistake I did and fall in the love with a guy or a girl you've been with in the past and has hurt you multiple times. I learned my lesson the hard way but it is not fun being with the person who has lied to you or cheated on you, they may promise you that they've changed in some cases it could be true but in my case it was a LIE and I fell for it. I was in a stable three month relationship with the girl I had a little bit of feelings for her still but as we continued to date the feelings slowly disappeared and I slowly fell out of love. That is why I need to move on and find me someone better and somebody that'll actually love me and treat me right. Like I've always said love can be your best friend or the enemy that everybody HATES. so I'll leave it up to you to decide or find out...



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