
by Forever Hers   Nov 15, 2013

When the world weighs on your shoulders
Whisper of the help you need
And I promise to lift it off
And give you the strength you seek.

When you find yourself alone
And the tears threaten to fall,
I promise to always come
And find your smile to put it back on.

If the dark begins to overrun your mind,
Call for me and I'll fight it away
And give you back the sun,
To see it in your eyes and playing.

If the time ever comes
And you can't help but feel lonely,
Isolated, remember I am always there
To bring you back home to me.

For the rest of time,
I promise to be your soldier,
Fighting against the dark
And winning the battle
Just to see you smile at me
Once again.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    I am very jealous of the way you end your poems lol. I like this poem a lit because of the fact that you built up to the end here. Each of the first four stanzas is very lovely to read because of the way you used your emotion. Though you only used your point of view I feel connected. The way you talk about yhe other person is great. It seems like this other person is filled with sadness and dark and they were in a battle all their own. Then you came along and fell in love :). Now together you will fight to stay happy. We always do anything to have our love smile. This poem is very unique overall because of the title. You surprised me at the end as well saying you were the soldier. :). Another great write