No love

by chaz   Jul 5, 2004

The love I feel is all too much
But I can't let it out; I'm trapped in a hutch
I look through the bars and watch you walk away
I scream and shout and beg you to stay

You walk away further and I scream some more
A waterfall of tears begin to pour
You don't feel the same I shall not lie
I curl up in a corner a slowly die

The rhythm of my breathing gets slower and slower
My heart sinks lower and lower
I can't think straight, my heads a mess
I start to tare holes in my favourite dress

I find a piece of sharp metal
And stick it on a vain
I dig it deep and blood comes out
I yell and scream out in pain

You walk away with another girl
I cant stand to look .my head starts to whirl
The pain is too much
But I cant let it out, I'm trapped in a hutch


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  • 19 years ago

    by chaz

    please comment on this poem
    its how i really feel about someone