Comments : Tryst (Hay(na)ku)

  • 9 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Interesting, beautiful and there is also sense of a dangerous love...that is the feel I got while reading this.
    Nicely done with the form.

    by moonlight,
    the leaping Jasmine

    ^^I was trying to imagine the leaping jasmine..feels like you are talking about the shadow of the jasmine. How it sways to the find and changes its direction which looks like its leaping...nice picture here.

    His butterfly kisses
    awaken the

    ^^Here I guess you are talking about the moon. The moon has a way to change moods likewise its beam is soft...a silent kiss that awakens the things that only roam at that hour.

    An interesting poem here and well done with the form :)

  • 9 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Sweetly Penned!!!