Comments : Straightforward

  • 8 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Well-spoken. Such clarity in this piece and it is vital that, in order to maintain and strengthen a relationship, there is constant and honest communication.

    So important. It's a lesson I'm still learning.

  • 8 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    From the title itself I figured this is going to be one of those life's lesson which you intend to part; and the way you have penned it, it sounds like you are having a conversation with the reader. There are certain parts which stood out for me:

    You know,
    communication is the key,
    that unlocks understanding
    And helps everyone coexist
    on the same plane of reality.

    ^^How true and well said! Half the relationships fail and go beyond repair due to lack of communication. Each of them think the other is a mind reader or is supposed to know!

    So when you speak to me,
    speak straightforward,
    not cheek on tongue,
    Not with metaphors or similes,
    just straightforward,
    Tell me what you want
    and I'll tell you what I want,

    ^^Once again not many are straightforward and if they were half the problem will not be a problem. Then again straightforwardness can cause some hurt feelings so people keep it to themselves. But its better to know something straight so we can fix it then never to know at all!

    Communicate, be patient, and respect
    each other's wishes, needs, and wants.

    ^And that is the key to a good relationship!

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Brilliant poem with some superb advice mixed in! I love the repetitive formula you've used too especially with the word "want" - works really well

  • 8 years ago

    by Chamomile

    I think the world needs more people who are straighforward!!
    I really love this, it has something special. Communication is a key to many things. With it respect and trust would come along, and a strong bond will be built.
    Just great :) Well done Luce!!