Comments : Am I Ready?

  • 8 years ago

    by Everlasting

    When I read this poem what came to mind is those put to death. i like what was done with the refrain "I hope I'm ready".

    This poem seems to have to parts:

    The thoughts from the prisoner in the first three stanzas
    And the last stanza, the reply from someone else to him.

    What I am not sure is if the prisoner is talking to someone or if those three stanzas are just his thoughts.
    But based on the last stanza, I'm assuming that he was sharing how he was feeling.

    • 8 years ago

      by Michael D Nalley

      I hope this poem is not perceived as disrespectful to those family members of Bobbi Kristina Brown who as far as I know has not spoken to anyone except maybe the reaper.

      I was trying to rap my head around a slow departure with an impatient undertaker

    • 8 years ago

      by Michael D Nalley

      P.S. The last stanza was inspired by a contest prompt

  • 8 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I hope this poem is not perceived as disrespectful to those family members of Bobbi Kristina Brown who as far as I know has not spoken to anyone except maybe the reaper.

    I was trying to rap my head around a slow departure with an impatient undertaker

  • 8 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    My immediate impression was a serial killer on death row, getting ready for his execution. In his mind his killings were "petty" because he has no regard for the victims. As they say, no atheists in a foxhole, so it seems with him. To me the last stanza is his unheeded conscience calling him to personally account for those he has killed and closing off hope.

  • 8 years ago

    by Raven

    Really enjoyed it. Got who and what it was about. Loved each stanza except the last. I don't know why I dislike "may as well be ready" line . Maybe it's confusing to me.... Because it's all about "said he" in the beginning of last stanza, and maybe line felt out of place ? feel something like "come with me" should be there. Regardless, it's a great poem 5/5 !!!!