Comments : Not Afraid to admit I'm a Sap

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    Oh this is just too beautiful! The earnesty and honest way in which you bare your souls intimate ordeal is very striking.

  • 9 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Holy crap.

    Wait a second....have I been gone this long? Why do I not recall this side of Andrea, writing super cute love poems in this way, this tone, this real about hubby???

    You know what, there is not a poetic thing I can comment on aside from the face that I loved how the entire poem led up to that last stanza that basically says, it's okay and this is why I love him.BUT I'm dying to comment on the topic.

    I almost wish you would share this all over the place, all kinds of social media, because I think soooooo often women get hurt by their own doing with this being an good example. Forgetting men an women are wired differently, so we have this super romantic, sometimes corny fantasy played out and expected to happen in our head, but when it doesn't happen because men don't think that way all the time, we are crushed. We expected more. We desire more. But what I love about this is you recalled why you married him, you recalled what you love about him, and better yet you accepted what you know about him, that in his simplicity he still means a great deal of love.

    Man I love this and am really stunned that this type of poem came from you!!!!

  • 9 years ago

    by Hellon

    There is so much I ADORE about this poem Andrea. I justed loved the double meaning in your title...really made me smile. This is why Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. We just don't think alike and, it's all to easy to take the huff because you didn't get the roses or the fancy dinner. I like how you were able to turn it around and remember why you married him in the first place...he's still that same guy and...I'm sure he knows well enough that you don't need 'romanced' but it is nice to be from time to time and...I'm sure he doesn't need a special occasion to do that :)

  • 9 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    I love it when your poetry goes all mushy and soft :)))

    It always makes me smile to know that you are feeling this way and Ironically it makes me smile because i know you could turn around and write the most epic dark poem in the same day :)

    Big loves sister and HaPpY bElAtEd AnNiVeRsArY xxxx

  • 9 years ago

    by JaneDoeWrites

    I gotta admit, when I first read the title I thought this would be a nature poem about saplings or pines lol.

    But I'm glad you decided to write this, it's an important topic. As a female reader this obviously speaks to me on many levels. Firstly, as a lot of others have pointed out, true love goes beyond materialistic things (roses, jewelry, etc.) yes, true. But as you've said women are wired differently and we almost expect those things. Not because we're greedy, but because it's physical affirmation, the giving of a gift (even something cheap) that means so much to us. Likely because we do that for our significant others and sometimes expect the same.

    The other thing I'd like to touch on though, is that as a reader it's nice to read something this real and relatable. My girlfriends often call me and discuss these things! And by discuss I mean whine lol. We all feel this way, so I'm glad you spoke on this :)

    Great write hun! And remember, in the end it's only the love that matters! Wishing you and Jim a very happy anniversary (again lol)

  • 9 years ago

    by Angie

    I absolutely LOVE this! You sure have grown, not only in your writing but also in your own personal self, your spirit.... I remember a time when you would've called me and whined and cried about something like this instead of realizing that it's the simple things that mean the most and touch our hearts to the core. You've found yourself a man who deeply loves you for you and who has brought out the beautiful nature of YOU and the understanding of how deep true love can be, which this write truly shows. It was such a thrilling pleasure to read such a heart warming write by you. The spirit in which you wrote this, it touches deeply and makes my heart smile....

    • 9 years ago

      by Maple Tree

      Thank you ang.... I love you