Spirits disbelieve in Love.

by GB   Jun 29, 2016

Spirits disbelieve in Love

Bitter, the taste of immorality
when the mind is bought by cents.

Her flesh could never be a bridge,
her skinny child could never be a reward.

And still, in the dark hollow of the heart
they roam... Spirits disbelieve in love.

All rights reserved (C) GB

**Triggered by "Mercy", a novel about slavery by Toni Morrison.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Judging Comment

    Samia wrote such a touching poem this week, made me shiver.

    Slavery= Hatred and control.

    She gave the spirits a voice with this piece... bought with "cents" speaks such volumes, the value of these precious souls speak a powerful message...

    I can't express how much I adore this poem.. just beautiful!

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Samia

    Like so much of your work, it has a depth that I sometimes feel is lost on me - perhaps in this case, I need to know more about the subject matter.
    However, it is - as ever - beautifully written and intriguing.

    I hope you are well,

  • 8 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Very interesting poem, Samia.
    Indeed it is very hard to believe in the higher values of life when a person does not even own their own body.

    Well done!

    Big hugs,