Comments : Dilemma of Appreciation

  • 7 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    It's me, it's you: Hello!

    An interesting concept here. What does one appreciate more, what they fully understand, or, what they don't?

    I guess, for me, it comes down to the finished product. Love is a mystery to me in many ways. I know about the chemicals and biology, but somehow there's still mystery. Does that matter? Not for me, I'm glad I'm able to feel it and lucky enough to have this in my life. Now there's a question , can you have/ own love? It's an emotion, one of the biggest ones too, right next to hate. You can't own an emotion. It's a product of experience. You can find an emotion though, one can look for love, a fight, face a fear and end up with one or a few different emotions.

    As you quiet rightly say, beauty (emotional response) is meant to be appreciated (experienced ) only. No need to ponder why, just live in the moment.

    It's me, it's you: Goodbye

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    Your work is like all great mysteries: often obscure and sometimes opaque BUT it is always insightful.
    I do agree that some mysteries are best kept that way - their very beauty comes from their lack of obvious clarity. But I also agree that - to fully appreciate something - it probably needs understanding first.

    Take care,


  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Wow, this is a fantastic, thought provoking piece and I truly admire that about your poetry because though they are simple they are truly amazing and have alot of meaning behind them and I feel that is what makes great poetry.

    I can't seem to understand,
    the mysteries of life.
    But then again,
    If I understood them,
    would they still be mysteries?
    I like this opening and believe if lifes mysteries weren't mysteries then we still wouldn't understand them also, I think without them life would be pretty boring because lets admit it, lifes mysteries help keep us on our toes.

    For instance...
    I know you put this here to explain there are examples but could read ok without it though males it somewhat mysterious in itself because it made me wonder what exactly which I feel was your intention.

    Love is a mystery to our souls.
    We know what it is,
    How it feels,
    but can't truly explain it with words
    Because ultimately
    Love is a mystery meant to remain like so
    I loved this part. Love is very mysterious and as you say we know what it is, can feel it and even see it some days but can anyone truly explain what love is. I bet if you put 100 people in a room and asked them 'what love is' they'd all have different answers because none of us know what it is exactly just what it means to us.

    Just like the rose:

    a flower with thorns
    whose beauty is meant to be appreciated
    rather than be pondered upon
    Yes, roses are meant to just be appreciated and not picked with having thorns but they are because we can't just fully appreciate something so beautiful can we? We have to destroy them too.


    that I usually appreciate the most
    that which I have fully understood.
    I think this part is totally relatable because once we understand something we can appreciate it but if we don't then we can't appreciate its full worth I.e life.

    All the best, Em

  • 7 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    A mystery explained is a book read only once.
    Excellent poem, Luce.
    Love and roses should remain such, as perhaps, women should remain mysteries to men.

  • 7 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

    You're certainly right...coz Love is a mystery no one can ever solve...

    nice little piece..conveyed the message perfectly

    If I understood them,
    would they still be mysteries?
    I like it.
