To My Dad That Was Never There--- Goodbye

by {Ms. Felicia}   Jul 9, 2004

I laughed you didn’t here me
I cried you weren’t near me
I slept you ran away
I woke up to never see you again
I know its not my fault
But I think it is
Why did you leave
Both your kids
You made a commitment
Why did you turn away
You said you loved me
And you’d never leave
You said you where my daddy
And I was your baby
To only find out it was a lie
My hole life I wished you could here me cry
You left when I was one
And 14 years later not a word was said
I miss you there
I miss you dad
You say you loved me
And wanted to see me more
But why do you continue
To hide from me
I wish it was you knocking at the door
No phone calls on my birthday
No cards just to say hi
Daddy iv grown up now
I’ve managed to live my life
With out you there
Now you call
And want to see me
I’m sorry daddy
But I’m to busy
I’ve gave you my life you never tried
Its not my fault
I didn’t get to say goodbye
The next month later
I wish I did
Cause then the doctor said
I’m sorry he’s dead

My father has not died yet but it just goes to say that he could die anyday and i did not get to say goodbye cause hes not in my life


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  • 19 years ago

    by amanda

    i like your peom and keep the good work dad and mom are still here i bet i it hearts so much in side so much if that ever happened to me i don't know what i would do. keep up the good work and poets ok

  • 19 years ago

    by Sw33ti3

    Hey that was an awesome poem!!ma mam and dad got divorsed wen i was 3 and i never really taked to him since and he also left not only a daughter but a son too.i can sure relate to this poem.Gr8 work and if u wanna then check out ma poem called Daddy.Keep it up grl.