
by MariAnn C.   Oct 28, 2017

For your words fall upon
deaf ears
Your life is not
Your own
Something you had
But no longer

Your soul is falling
Further and further away

From who you used to be
The patience you had
is all dried up
And you could snap
At any time

You scream but no one hears you
Like your in space or under water
You could scream forever
And all you'll be is tired

Bending,melting, breaking
Broken soul
dead inside
The perfect place to wipe your feet

Souless drone


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  • 6 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Sadly Mariann, there are many parts of this that I can really relate to and it made me almost wince to read it and reflect. You've captured that worthless feeling and summed it up really well.

    Typo: "Your" in the 4th stanza should be 'you're'.

    I'm hoping this isn't your reality now. Change is often so hard, but rarely impossible. x


    • 6 years ago

      by MariAnn C.

      I agree that change isn't impossible it's the getting there that's the fun part. Sorry for the typo lol. Everyday is a challenge.

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