The words that lead to my death

by {Ms. Felicia}   Jul 12, 2004

“I wish I had a penny for every time she cried.”
That’s what he said the day before I tried suicide
All my life iv been made fun of
Teased so much id cry and bleed
The tears of pain and salty rain fell from my eyes
The feeling of a jagged knife down my spine
My hands full of blood my face full of tears
Nothing left in life but fears
They said things to me that made me cry
I cried so much I wanted to die
I wish they could feel the pain inside
This was fourth grade and my life was about to end
But in a different way than I planed
My mom had her baby
It was the only day I didn’t cry
Until the end of the week I never new he could die
My baby brother so young and cold
With a life not even begging
A live not bold
Sitting there impatiently wanting to die to
Going to class and crying in front of you
All the kid went up to him and gave him a penny
He sat in front of me counting the money
The salty tears dripped from my face
As I ran out of the room screaming I hate
I hate this life I hate this world I hate everything about being this girl
What more could of gone wrong I thought to my self
As I walked home I said goodbye the hole class wounded why
I went home and sat in my bed crying a river
A river that bleed as the knife cut the skin
The pain was not there all I could see was bloody tears
Scares all over my arms and neck
Wishing it could go faster than that
Now I sit and wait for the time to come
I’m covered in blood and tears full of sadness
What do I do now I cant look at life
I wish I would end
And then I finally died
The knife fell from my hand
The floor full of blood
The drug bottles empty
And my life was at the end
I’m saying goodbye to the ones who made me cry
Now I’m dead and haunting you for making me commit

This poem is about me and what happened i didnt go that far as to hurting my self that much but beleive me thats what i felt like doing


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  • 19 years ago

    by Nae

    wow that is a great poem. thanks for commenting on mine. You are an awesome writer and yours touched me very much. I understand to. God Bless

  • 19 years ago

    by nikki

    that was a very very good poem, just a couple of things, (sorry i'm really picky) you spelt planned-planed and i didn't quite get the rhyming scheme, it kind of rhymed occasionally but not always, i dunno that might be what you meant to do and i'm just dumb and didn't get it, lol, anyways tops poem!