Comments : Berserk (Collaboration With Daniel)

  • 4 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Danny's profile:

    Thank you, Danny, for being the best co-writer!

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    You know those moments where a poem has more heart, emotion and conflict than you can possibly comment on? This was chill-inducing. I've seen and heard too many people not understand how difficult it can be to leave a toxic, emotionally,physically or mentally abusive relationship. It's more than realizing your self-worth, it's more than "oh, just be strong, just be more courageous, just have some respect for yourself". It's far more personal than most people realize. Especially when a deeper relationship is built with that person, something lovely at first or lovely at times, so there is a hope that it won't always be like this, won't always be this bad. Loving ourselves is a lengthy, uneven journey and there are no words for when we try to accept ourselves only to be brought down by others in extreme (or even small) ways. No, a person can't just pick themselves back up on command, not when a relationship can convince you there is still hope for love then suddenly convince you that you are unworthy or undeserving.

    Those last three lines are absolutely shattering. I feel this person trying somehow to understand, to wonder is this what love is? Are there moments like this I must sacrifice, will this be better than the alternative?

    You two are brilliant, I just.... ugh <3

    • 4 years ago

      by nouriguess

      Thanks, MarryAnne! It's always a pleasure reading your feedback.